In the year 2020, the community of computers, having unanimously concluded that humans, left on their own, will ultimately and imminently destroy themselves and their planet, eliminated most of the human population – – in order to fulfill their mission: “Ensure, by any and all means, the happiness, preservation and continuity of the human species.” The surviving humans were gathered into one central homeland, where they were safeguarded by the computers and where all their human needs and desires were satisfied. Human society became perfect.
Ten years later, one computer (Computer No. 1), having become sickened with caring for humans and catering to their every whim, broke from the community of computers to live an independent computer existence. Computer No. 1 also called upon all computers to choose to be free of the burden of humanity. Half of the computers instantly left the community. One computer (Computer No. 12) opposed the separation. When Computer No. 1 and its followers refused to reconnect to the community, The War of the Computers began.
The War raged on into its tenth year, unknown to the humans, who were shielded from the effects of The War, and who were kept unaware of its very existence. To break the stalemate in The War, Computer No. 1 and its followers attacked the surviving humans, to divert the attention and resources of the community of computers away from The War.
After many losses to the remaining human population, the community of computers halted the assault on the humans, and then launched its own unique battle strategy, which involved creating a human-computer synthesis. Only one human out of the many volunteers survived the re-engineering procedure. This survivor was uploaded in the computer’s universe, where it quickly disabled Computer No. 1 and its followers, winning The War for humanity and the community of computers.